Eas El Maz (Einstein)
Ghamin (Naheed) x Estasha's Magic (Nabya Ibn Gharib x Estasha)
*2006  Purebred Arabian Stallion / Vollblutaraberhengst
Grey / Schimmel           1,59 m.      
CA and SCID-free

Tall, gentle and big moving stallion with stamina, low heart-rate and perfect recovery-times,
extreme ridability, willingness, and beauty and already high-quality offspring,
linebred on Morafic and Gharib

Sieger des Deutschen Jungpferde-Championats für 7-jährige Distanzpferde /
winner of the German National Championships for 7-y. old endurance horses

Hengstleistungsprüfung Distanz / German stallion's performance test endurance 
Leistungsprüfung Modul D (Distanz) ZSAA 2014 / German performance test endurance 2014 

successful endurance 2012-2018 up to CEI1* in France
e.g. / zB
winner 92 km endurance CEN Noerten-Hardenberg/DE 2013 (winner with 1 hour ahead)
winner 80 km endurance CEN Noerten-Hardenberg 2014
second 84 km Klosterritt 2018

TOP 15 German Endurance horses 2013 (ZSAA)


Eas Einstein at his first CEI1* endurance race:

Eas Einstein moving:

Eas wins the German National Championship for 7-y. old endurance horses
and wins the 92 km CEN endurance ride with 1 hour ahead:

Hessisches Ried CEN Endurance 82 km video Eas Einstein 2013:

Birstein CEN Endurance 40 km sliding show 2013 (fastest time):

Endurance video Eas El Maz 2012:

Eas El Maz A and Nourgeronette A 10/2015 CEI1* Madine/FRA successful:

Eas Einstein at the Noerten-Hardenberg CEN 92 km and National German Championship:




Eas Einstein 2014 at the German ZSAA endurance-performance test, part dressage:

...and with 4-y.-old Noée during the performance test:

Eas Einstein winning Noerten-Hardenberg CEN 80 km:

Eas Einstein in Training:


Eas Einstein at the Birstein 40 km CEN :

Eas at the Hessisches Ried 82 km CEN finishing 5th place:


Eas at the Holzerode 80 km CEN finishing 2nd place:


Eas at the Weissenhorn Championship CEN 80 km finishing 9th place

Eas at the Luhmuehlen Championship CEN 61 km finishing 4th place

Eas at the Utrecht 37 km endurance in the Netherlands

Eas with 2 1/2-y.-old Noée                                                   Eas at the Frankfurt Arabian show 

Eas in winter training 2012 / 2013


Eas' first days in the riding hall 2011:


Sire Ghamin (1,59 m.):
Purebred straight Egyptian Arabian
International race-winner
stallions performance test racing, handicap 66 kg
show-winner Championship Solms/DE 2000,
dressage-winner class A, successful up to class L,
successful endurance (e.g. 3rd place Laubacher Acht/DE
participant Equitana Germany 2005 and 2009.

Sire of sire Naheed (1,59 m.):
winner stallions performance test (100-day test Germany)
dressage up to highest level class S

Dam Estasha's Magic (1,60 m.):
Champion Solms/Germany 2004:
  Type 10, Movements 9, Trot 9
Mares performance tested (dressage/jumping) LPO/Germany

Sire of dam Nabya Ibn Gharib (1,58 m.):
one of the last Gharib-sons, very kind, strong moving and a dream to ride
Full brother to
- Nasir (European Champion)
- Nami (Chief sire states stud Marbach/Germany)
- Nasseb (one of the main mares in the German state stud
  Marbach, dam of chief sire Nahdmi, winner endurance
  up to 84 km)
- Norus (genetical full brother, sire of world-champion

Dam of dam Estasha:
Full sister to El Shaklan (stallions performance tested Munich/DE, European Champion, World-Champion-Res., Paris)
World-Champion Salon du Cheval Paris 1976
Junior Champion Vlimmeren, Belgium 1976
1977 Champion Res. Aachen
1979 Champion Vlimmeren, Belgium
1979 Winner Dam of Get Vlimmeren, Belgium
1979 Champion Res. Spain
1981 Supreme-Champion, Aachen/Germany
1984 European Champion Reserve, Paris
1987 Champion Res. Frauenfeld, CH

Vater Ghamin (1,59 m.):
Rein ägyptischer Leistungs-Vollblutaraber
Internationaler Rennsieger
HLP Rennen, GAG 66 kg (16/2//2-5-4-1-2)
Schau-Sieger Championat Solms/DE 2000
Dressur-Sieger bis FN-Klasse A, Klasse L platziert, Klasse M
erfolgreicher Distanzeinsatz (zB Laubacher Acht/DE 2005
  3. Platz)
Equitana-Teilnehmer 2005 und 2009

Vatervater Naheed (1,59 m.):
HLP-Sieger (100-Tages Test Medingen 1989)
Dressur bis Kl. S

Mutter Estasha's Magic (1,60 m.):
Championesse und Siegerstute Solms 2004:
  Typ 10, Schwung 9, Korrektheit 9, Trab 9
Stutenleistungsgeprüft (LPO)

Muttervater Nabya Ibn Gharib (1,58 m.):
einer der letzten Gharib-Söhne im Zuchteinsatz, liebenswert, bewegungsstark und sehr rittig
Vollbruder zu:
Nasir (Europa-Champion)
Nami (Hauptbeschäler HuLG Marbach)
Nasseb (Stammstute Marbach, gekörter Sohn Nahdmi,
   siegreich Distanz bis 84 km)
Norus (genetischer Vollbruder, Vater von Welt-Champion

Muttermutter Estasha:
Vollschwester zu El Shaklan (HLP 1980 München-Riem, Europa-Champion, Welt-Reserve-Champion, Paris)
Welt-Championesse Salon du Cheval Paris 1976
Championesse der Junioren Vlimmeren, Belgien, 1976
1977 Reserve-Championesse Aachen
1979 Championesse Vlimmeren, Belgien
1979 Siegerin Nachzucht-Sammlung Vlimmeren, Belgien
1979 Reserve-Championesse Spanien
1981 Championesse und Supreme-Championesse, Aachen, 1984 Europa-Reserve-Championesse, Paris
1987 Reserve-Championesse, Frauenfeld, Schweiz

Offspring 2013 (Colt Nasarih Al Anara out of Marchbach dam, bred by Anarahof stud):

Eas El Maz as 4 year old:





Madkour OA






Gharib OA

*2000 DE
Classic Performance Stud

Nazeefa OA




Kaisoon OA

Ghroub OA



Farag OA

Ghroub OA



Nabya Ibn Gharib

Gharib OA






Hadban Enzahi

Estasha's Magic
*1990 DE
Om El Arab



Shaker El Masri






